Seven Skills You Pick Up When You Study a Security Course  

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Seven Skills You Pick Up When You Study a Security Course  

skills you pick up when you study a security course

Security guards are often underestimated and misunderstood. There are so many misconceptions about not just who guards are and what they do but also what skills they have.

Security guards aren’t just big burly men standing next to a door, looking large and in charge. They are trained and skilled professionals in a highly regulated industry.

You might be surprised to learn about these seven skills you pick up when you study a security course.  


In security communication is key. You need to be an effective communicator, able to deal with the public and inform people of the rules of a venue or organisation. In the course, security guards learn effective communication basics, including active listening, clear articulation, and non-verbal cues.  

They also receive instruction on how to communicate professionally and assertively while maintaining a friendly and approachable demeanor. As security guards work in various settings, such as commercial establishments or public events, they engage with a diverse range of people, which helps them develop their interpersonal skills. Regular interactions with clients, visitors, and colleagues allow them to practice and refine their communication techniques in real-world scenarios. 

In the security course you’ll learn how to apply effective communication measures to ensure the safety of people and property in your role.  

Defensive tactics  

There is some physical training that you will complete as a part of your security course, this is called defensive tactics. Basically, you’ll learn how to physically protect yourself and others from attacks, as well as how to safely remove a person or persons from a venue. These basic defensive skills are valuable to everyone.  


In security you’ll sometimes find yourself in a situation where you need to talk someone out of an action or behaviour. In the course you’ll learn how to negotiate with people and diffuse tense situations while maintaining the safety of yourself and others. The security trainers cover various negotiation techniques and strategies, teaching you how to communicate effectively and defuse potentially volatile situations.  

You’ll also learn how to listen actively, empathise with others, and maintain a calm and composed demeanor under pressure. As security guards work in dynamic environments, they encounter diverse challenges that require effective negotiation skills, such as handling trespassers, de-escalating conflicts, or managing unruly crowds. This helps them to adapt their negotiation approach based on the specific circumstances they face.

Risk Assessment  

Security guards are trained to be hyper vigilant and assess and minimise risk wherever possible. In the course security guards are taught the fundamental principles of risk assessment, learning about identifying potential hazards, analysing vulnerabilities, and understanding the consequences of different security threats.  

They are taught to evaluate the likelihood and potential impact of various risks to develop a comprehensive security mindset. As security guards work in real-world environments, they apply their knowledge to different situations, honing their ability to assess risks accurately and make informed decisions.  

Team work  

Working in security means always being part of a team. Whether you’re in a group of guards at a larger organisation or out in pairs doing patrols, security guards need to be a team players to thrive in their industry.

In the security course participants are put through team-building exercises and workshops that emphasise the importance of working together. They learn to understand and appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of their team members, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Out in the industry, they encounter a variety of situations that demand effective coordination and cooperation. These real-life experiences help them learn how to communicate efficiently, delegate tasks, and rely on each other’s expertise to achieve common goals.

Regular debriefings and post-incident analyses provide opportunities for self-assessment and team evaluation, enabling them to identify areas of improvement and build stronger bonds with their colleagues.  


Security guards need excellent observation skills to minimise threats and diffuse potentially dangerous situations.

In the security guard course, they are taught the importance of attentiveness and situational awareness, learning how to scan their surroundings effectively. They are trained to identify and assess potential security risks, recognise suspicious behaviours, and detect unusual patterns or activities.

Through practical exercises and simulations, security guards learn to pay attention to details and focus on critical aspects of their environment.  

First Aid  

Security Officers are often in the position of providing emergency aid and first aid in their roles. They will even sometimes be aiding and assisting the first responders when emergencies strike. Thankfully, all security guards complete first aid training as a part of their Certificate II in Security Operations.  

The Security Course  

For those who are just starting out in the security industry the course they’ll need to take is the Certificate II in Security Operations. The delivery of this course varies depending on your location but it’s anywhere from two to three weeks in an intensive, accelerated in-classroom environment.  

In the course you’ll learn all the skills we’ve discussed above as well as legal and procedural requirements, WHS and emergency response, patrolling, screening people, monitoring and more.  

You can learn more about the course here or get in touch with our friendly course advisors.

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