Skills Certified

Our Training Partner
Skills Certified

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Study options include:

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

Asset College has partnered with Skills Certified, combining the best in Recognition of Prior Learning skills assessment with Asset College’s nationally recognised qualifications.

Skills Certified has demonstrated a track record of enhancing the student experience. They do so by engaging and guiding students throughout the RPL process to ensure evidence is supplied to support their application. Once evidence is compiled, the documentation is assessed by an experienced Asset College Assessor.

Skills Certified educates students on the RPL process and provides the student with ongoing support to help them submit sufficient evidence of their previous work experience.

Skills Certified target unqualified individuals who have obtained their knowledge and skills through years of workplace experience.

Asset College has been delivering our nationally recognised qualifications through RPL since 2006. Recognition of Prior Learning is a great way for professionals to gain a qualification that matches their skill set which allows for transferability of these skills across job roles and industries.

Recognition of Prior Learning is a delivery mode that some learners are still unfamiliar with. By partnering with Skills Certified, we are able to reach more people to offer pathways to a formal qualification and educate them on how they can gain a qualification, without studying.

​”Asset College are a reputable RTO with like-minded values and a student-centric approach which has allowed us to form a strong partnership and deliver excellent service and support to students.”

Johnny Jusic
Managing Director

Skills Certified deliver Asset College’s nationally recognised qualifications online, Australia wide through recognition of prior learning.

Student Testimonials

The instructor was an absolutely amazing instructor. He had a wealth of knowledge and experience and delivered lectures with detail and a little humour which makes for a perfect learning environment..

Michael SlorachFormer student

Engaging. Everyone is part of the learning experience. I received support from everyone. The visual learning was easy to understand and acknowledge. Through their reassurance my motivation held strong throughout the course.

Gail CarterFormer student

Contact Skills Certified


Surry Hills, NSW

Contact Details

P: 13 17 75

Opening Hours

9:00am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday
Please allow up to 48 hours for returning your calls and enquiries.

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