Security Guard Responsibilities

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Security Guard Responsibilities

We all know what a security guard is. They are the people in the nice uniforms who help us find things at the large shopping centres or sign us in at corporate buildings or screen our luggage at the airport.  

We have all seen security guards at work. Whether it’s at our university campus, office building or on the door of our favourite club. And we have some idea of what they do. Whether it’s making sure nothing dangerous is entering the airport or checking people in at a hotel.  

But a security guards responsibilities are far more complex than just keeping troublemakers out of the club or helping little old ladies find the chemist.  

In today’s article we’re going to break down what a security guard does, what are a security guard’s responsibilities and what kinds of security jobs they can do.  

What does a security guard do? 

Security guards are responsible for keeping people and property safe. They are employed in all different kinds of roles across a range of industries from retail to hospitalitybusiness, defence, aviation, education, in the public and private sector.  

What are a security guards responsibilites? 

A security guard’s responsibilities change depending on their role.

There are different specialised areas of security such as aviation and transport security where they may be screening people, luggage and cargo. There are also close protection security personnel who are responsible for keeping a particular person safe. There are guards who manage the safe transport of cash and valuables and guards who are primarily there to help people checking in and out of hotels.  

A security guard’s responsibilities change depending on the type of role they have and what their training and licences are. But there are some general responsibilities that most guards will need to perform in their role.  

Let’s take a look at nine of the most common security guard responsibilities below.  


Protecting people and property is top of the list. This sums up the most important aspect of a security guard’s job. Protecting people can include working as a bodyguard for a high-profile client, or just stepping in to deescalate a situation on the premises.  

Protecting property means making sure people are not vandalising the premises, breaking things, or gaining unlawful entry to a premises.  

Customer service / Assisting people 

Helping people is a huge part of being a security guard. You might be surprised to know that many people with customer service experience excel in the security industry. Because security guards often work with the public and need to be able to deal effectively with people.  

Whether it’s giving directions at a large organisation, helping people find something or offering assistance when something has gone wrong. Security guards need good communication and customer service skills.  


Most security guards will need to perform some sort of patrolling on their job. Sometimes this looks like doing a patrol of the perimeters of a site they are working on. Sometimes it’s doing a roving patrol in a company car, checking exits and entry points or even multiple locations. Patrolling is one of many of a security guard’s responsibilities.  

Monitoring Alarms and CCTV  

Depending on what kind of role a security guard is performing, they will most likely have to monitor alarms and CCTV footage in some capacity. For some guards they will spend their whole shift in a CCTV control room watching the cameras and communicating with other guards to ensure any suspicious behavior is monitored. For others it may be just a portion of their role, checking the alarm systems at the end of the night or watching the CCTV footage while they are keeping guard on a gatehouse.  

Monitoring entrances / gatehouses  

Most guards will need to monitor entrances and exits as part of their role and for some they will also need to monitor a gatehouse. This means making sure that only people with permission access the premises.  

Securing exits and setting alarms 

A lot of guards need to secure exits and set alarms as part of their job. Often this will be either the start or end of the shift to make sure that the building or premises is secure before the next guard comes on or before they leave for the night.  

Monitoring for suspicious behavior  

Being vigilant and keeping an eye for suspicious behavior is a big part of a security guards role, wherever they work. Security guards have to keep a watchful eye on people, patrons and clients to make sure nothing nefarious is happening on their watch.  

Emergency Aid and First Aid  

All security guards are trained in first aid, and they are also often the person in charge of managing emergency situations until the authorities arrive. For many guards this might only mean giving someone an ice pack if they twist their ankle or a band-aid. But for some it can mean administering CPR or more.  

Keeping a cool head in emergency situations and following protocol will be essential to managing an emergency situation. All situations such as this will also include filing an incident report.  


A security guard has a lot of paperwork to complete on their shift. Everything that happens gets logged from phone calls to suspicious behavior to more serious incidents such as events that require first aid.  

A security guard has to complete reports on the patrols they did, what they saw, when alarms are set and everything in between. Reporting is one of the biggest responsibilities of a security guard.  

Interested in knowing more  

Security guards play an important role in all organisations. They are responsible for keeping people and property safe, administering first aid and emergency assistance, securing exits, setting and checking alarm systems, helping people and so much more.  

If you’re interested in knowing more about the security industry, such as how it works, how you can become qualified to work as a security guard and what kind of jobs you can do, check out our free security career information sessions.

In these sessions our security career experts explain everything you will ever need to know about becoming a security guard!

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