‘I Got a Job Offer Within 48 Hours!’

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‘I Got a Job Offer Within 48 Hours!’

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Student Success Story: Malin Wijesooriya

Before entering the world of security, Malin worked in administration for about 14 years. He didn’t enjoy how he was stuck in an office all day and wanted to find a job that would get him out and about. He needed a career change!

When exploring what a career change would mean for him, he focused on jobs that would give him flexibility with hours. That’s when he decided on security.

Malin had a couple of friends that work in security and when he asked them for recommendations on how he could get the training required, all of them said that Asset College was highly regarded. So, that’s how we met Malin!

On undertaking the course at Asset College Malin says, “It was a lot of fun, interactive and a lot better than just sitting on a chair learning. I really enjoyed it. Lyn was my trainer, she was great, and she shared a lot of her own experience having worked within the industry for many years. Very very efficient.”

On completion of his training, Malin took part in ASSET’s post training pre-screen and employment coaching.

“It really worked! As soon as I put my resume in, I got a job offer within 48 hours!”

Malin’s job offer turned out to be with Securecorp working transportation security on the Brisbane train network!

“Everyone was so professional, and gave real life skill sets to be able to take with us into the field. I would definitely recommend Asset College to anyone looking to train and work within security!”

Find out more about flexible job opportunities in the security sector and the support we provide to students to help them get real jobs by attending one of our Free Information Sessions today!