Say Thank You This International Security Officer’s Day July 24th

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Say Thank You This International Security Officer’s Day July 24th

international security officers day

Say Thank You This International Security Officer’s Day July 24th

Security officers have challenging and varied roles to play in our society.  

They are responsible for patrolling premises, keeping people safe, crowd control at large events, check in points at venues, administering first aid in a crisis, emergency evacuations and screening people and their luggage at the airport.  

In short, security officers keep us and our property safe. They make sure everything is done by the book and everyone follows the rules.  

And it’s not an easy job.  

According to the ASIAL Security Industry Licensing Report 2020, Australia now has almost 150,000 security officers and there is still a skills shortage in the industry.   

This July 24th it is International Security Officer’s Day! We hope that you will join with us in thanking those essential workers who are putting themselves at risk to keep us safe everyday.  

What is International Security Officer’s Day?  

International Security Officer’s Day was organised by ASIAL, the Australian Security Industry Association Limited to celebrate the profession and take the time to show our appreciation for security officers who spend their working lives protecting us and our property.  

This global security initiative is now celebrated in countries across the world. The reason why it is held on July 24th is to reflect the 24/7 nature of the security industry. You can find more information about International Security Officers Day here.  

The COVID-19 year has certainly seen an increase in the presence of security officers, both to enforce new rules and restrictions and to keep us safe by guarding and monitoring hotel quarantine.  

But it hasn’t been an easy year for those donning the security patch. Dealing with everything from physical and emotional abuse to guarding some of the most infectious wards and quarantines in the country, security officers have had a rough year.  

So, we have put together a list of ways you can show your appreciation for security officers this International Security Officers Day. 

Remember – they are doing a job  

Security guards have the often-unpopular job of enforcing the rules.  

While it might be tempting to get frustrated and cranky with a security guard, please remember they didn’t make the rules. It is simply their job to try and enforce them. Just like in any other profession and industry, people don’t always like what you have to tell them or what they might be required to do – but it’s just the way it is. Have some compassion and respect their job and before you question it, put yourself in their shoes..  

Ask for help 

If you’re lost, unsure about the rules of a venue or feeling unsafe, ask a guard for help. It’s their job to help you and they want to be able to do it well. So, seek them out if you’re in need of help.  

A Security Officers role is ultimately customer service. By engaging with them you are showing them that they are providing a valuable service. They will also remember you if you frequent the venue often too which can be a nice touch to have familiar faces on your outings.  

Follow the rules 

The rules exist for a reason. If you are required to wear a mask, don’t wait until your told to put one on. Check in on the app, it only takes a couple of seconds, and you won’t be allowed in if you don’t anyway! Read the signage available, follow the rules and just be a decent human being. It makes a security guard’s job so much easier if you can just do the right thing.  

Be polite  

Being a security guard is not an easy job. You might be on your feet for 10 or 12 hours, constantly on alert and trying to make sure everyone is safe, so be polite.  

Don’t be rude or get angry with a security guard. At the end of the day they are just doing their jobs. Chances are if you’re getting angry with them it’s likely because they are angry with you and you’re breaking the rules. A touch of courtesy goes a long way.  

Say thank you  

If you see a security guard this International Security Officers Day, say thank you. They work long and hard 24/7 to keep us and our property safe. You never know when you might need one!