Certis Aviation Program Lands Naveen His Dream Job

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Certis Aviation Program Lands Naveen His Dream Job

Naveen Henry Employed at Certis Sydney Airport

Naveen Henry always had an interest in aviation, but he spent years exploring different careers. He studied mechanical engineering and then worked in a variety of roles such as aircraft assembly, sales and service of high-end medical imaging devices, IT Application development, support & management and most recently as an IT Project Officer for an NSW agency.  

His experience ranged from IT to medical to sales, working in various locations, across the public and private sectors.  

Naveen decided he was ready to take the leap and retrain for a new industry.  

“After working in routine jobs for over 2 decades, it was time for me to follow the passions of my heart.”

Naveen had always had a passion for aviation and travel.  

He told us that his passion was reignited by the job openings he found for airport security officers.

“The openings for Aviation Screening Officer roles triggered the extensive travel and airport transition experiences within me and I was keenly looking forward to being part of the screening team. It has given me an opportunity to learn the skills and the techniques required to be in the aviation security industry.”

Naveen completed his course through the Certis Aviation Funded Training Program at Asset College. This amazing program is funded by Certis Security Australia and offers Certis-funded training positions in the Certificate II in Transport Security Protection course for eligible candidates with guaranteed employment at Sydney Airport on completion.

“I have had the wonderful opportunity of being selected for the Certificate II in Transport Security course at Asset college and the experience was fulfilling to say the least.  The course content, including the online component, gave me a good opportunity to review and prepare for the classes. The classroom and practical infrastructure gave me a real world experience of an aviation security environment.”

Naveen’s trainer also gave him the confidence he needed to succeed.

“The best part of the course was our instructor (Rebecca Mitchell), who not only had an abundance of experience and knowledge, but also had a good understanding of how to break down the course into daily modules and make sure that the entire class was up to speed with the contents being taught at the right pace.

It was a delight to be coming back to classes every day and sharing the learning experience with the trainer and students at Asset College campus. As a trainer, Bec has been simply outstanding, and she encouraged group discussions, answered most of the questions with patience, shared relevant videos and made learning an exciting process. We were lucky to have her as our trainer.”

The career change is working well for Naveen, who loves the fast-paced environment at Sydney Airport.  

“Interacting with hundreds of customers on a daily basis gives me the motivation and energy to up for work every morning. The roles are well-defined in the form of standard operating procedures. The environment is fast-paced, and every customer is different. The teams have an amazing sense of Camaraderie and each supports, teaches and helps on the job. Airport is an exciting place to work.”  

Naveen has some fantastic advice for those looking into a career in airport security. 

“Aviation security is a matured and a well-established process. The key areas for a good security professional are to:

  • Adapt to the latest security threats and following the Standard Operating Procedures
  • Stay alert all the time  
  • Work well as a team and be a good team player  
  • Ensure that the passengers get the best experience while flying in a controlled security environment  

If you understand, appreciate and are looking forward to working in such an environment then Aviation Security will be a great profession to be part of. It’s exciting yet challenging and rewarding too.”  

If you’re interested in knowing more about the Certis Aviation Funded Training Program, you can check it out here.

You can learn more about the Certificate II in Transport Security Protection course here.

Or, get in touch with our friendly course advisors. We would be happy to help you find the right course for you.