6 Skills You’ll Need To Be a Customer Service Assistant

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6 Skills You’ll Need To Be a Customer Service Assistant

You’ve likely dealt with a customer service assistant in the past week. They are the people who answer your questions, troubleshoot issues you’re having with a company’s product or service and help you find the right solution to your problem.

They help you set up your internet connection, find a new mobile plan, choose your next course of study or even troubleshoot issues you’re having with that air fryer you bought.

In our everyday lives we regularly deal with these unsung heroes of the service industry but what exactly do they do? Where do they work? How do you become a customer service assistant and what kind of skills do you need to excel in this industry?

What are customer service assistants?

A customer service assistant is the first point of contact between a company and their customers. They have an important role in representing the tone and interests of the company while communicating with the customer.

What do customer service assistants do?

Customer service assistants have a broad range of duties they complete as a part of their role. They are responsible for handling customer enquiries, providing product and service information, troubleshooting issues and handling customer complaints.

Customer service assistants are often required to meet KPIs for sales, the number of customers serviced, or customer satisfaction goal posts and they have to work hard to meet those KPIs.

How much do customer service assistants make?

According to the SEEK website, customer service assistants generally make around $50,000 – $55,000 per year.  Although depending on the industry and the company they work for they can make more than this. Some companies will offer incentives and bonuses depending on their KPIs, while others will pay slightly higher than the average salary.

Where do customer service assistants work?

Customer service assistants can work in-store for a company helping customers face-to-face, or in an online or call center setting, assisting customers virtually. Customer service assistants work for all different kinds of companies and in every industry. From tech companies assisting people with their phone or internet service to the education sector and even the health and wellness industry. You can truly find a role that suits you in customer service.

How do you become a customer service assistant?

Customer service assistants don’t necessarily need to have qualifications to do their role, but it does help. The best course you can do in order to excel as a customer service assistant is the Certificate III in Business with a specialisation in customer engagement. This course can be completed online through self-paced, trainer-supported study. The course can take anywhere from six to twelve months to complete depending on the delivery option selected. In the course you’ll learn how to:

  • Use digital technologies to communicate in a work environment
  • Write simple documents
  • Organise personal work priorities
  • Deliver and monitor a service to customers
  • Process customer complaints
  • Assist with customer difficulties
  • Advise on products and services

You can learn more about the course here.

What kinds of skills do you need to be a customer service assistant?

Customer service assistants have a complex role to complete. They need to help the customer while also meeting all the expectations of the company. Let’s take a look at six skills that will help you to excel as a customer service assistant.

People skills

In a customer focused role, you’ll need exceptional people skills. Being able to quickly build trust and rapport with the customer will help you to better assist them. The goal is to help them with any issues they are encountering, find a way to fix the problem they have and leave them happier for their encounter with you.

If you’re a people person, you’ll suit the customer service industry.

Communication skills

As a customer service assistant, you will be spending your whole day communicating. This will be with customers as well as other staff members so you’ll need excellent verbal and written communication skills as well as listening skills.

In the space of a few hours, you could be dealing many different customers who have vastly different needs. From finding a new service to help them, to trouble shooting issues with a product to solving a customer complaint. Being able to actively listen to them to pick up on what they need, and which aspects of the service or product are most essential to them, as well being able to communicate this in an effective way will help you succeed in this role.

Time management skills

Working as a customer service assistant you will need to have excellent time management skills. In just a few minutes you could go from dealing with a customer complaint to explaining a brand new service, to sending a sign up pack through to another customer. With competing priorities coming from all different directions, it’s important to find the time to manage each task and ensure no paperwork is missed, and no customer goes without help.


The unfortunate truth of the matter is that sometimes you are going to be dealing with unhappy customers, customers who don’t understand the product or service and customers who have just a bad experience. You’ll need to have patience and be able to calmly talk them through what you’re doing to fix the issue and how you can help them.

Being able to calmly communicate, showing empathy and solving the issue will go a long way to restoring the customer’s faith in the company.


In your role as a customer service assistant, you’re going to have to adapt quickly when changes happen to your company’s policies, procedures or products. You’ll be on a path of constantly learning, as you gain new product knowledge and keep abreast of all things to do with your industry and company.

Creative Problem solving skills

Customer service consultants have to be able to apply critical thinking and creative problem solving skills in their role. No two customers will be the same and you’ll need to be able to think outside of the box and find a fix that works specifically for your customer.

Final Thoughts

The customer service industry is a great place for a passionate people-person who can handle complaints with ease and find a creative solution when things go awry. If this sounds like you then it might be the perfect career path!

If you’re keen to know about getting into this fast-paced industry you can check out the course here or arrange to have a chat with one of our friendly course advisors. They would be happy to help you find the right course for your needs.

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