Best Jobs For Single Mums

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Best Jobs For Single Mums

best jobs for single mums

Being a single mum is a full-time job as it is. So, finding work that allows you to juggle the demands of single parenthood, provides flexibility and a decent wage can seem like a struggle.

It’s a hectic lifestyle, with school runs, lunches to be made, errands to run, sporting clubs to get them to, the list goes on and on. And many single mums out there can’t find a job that provides enough flexibility to ensure they keep up with all the competing demands on their time.  

Here are some ideas for the best jobs for single mums.  

VA / Virtual assistants  

A VA or Virtual Assistant is someone who works remotely for a business, completing an assistant role. This could be managing their inbox, responding to enquires for their businesses, invoicing or even scheduling their meetings and managing their calendar.  

VAs often run their own business and provide support to a couple of different business owners. This gives you the flexibility of being able to work from home and fit in your errands or school runs around your work. You won’t need to get someone to pick up the kids or pay for after school care.  

In order to get into this flexible field, you’ll need good computer skills, a base understanding of business and some experience in administration. If you’ve never worked in that area before, a short course such as the Certificate III in Business with a specialisation in administration can help you reach your goals.  

Security Guard  

While this doesn’t seem like an obvious choice for a single mum, it’s actually a great option. Mothers make excellent security guards. The main focus of your job as a security guard is to help people and make sure people follow the rules. You’ll need good communication skills and the ability to deescalate a situation which is parenting 101.  

Many security companies are actively seeking female employees. The sector is crying out for more women, and it provides a lot of flexibility. In security there are generally roles which have shifts 24/7. This gives you freedom to schedule around your family commitments and to work with those who help you look after the kids. 

To get started in the security industry you do need to complete a course and apply for your security guard licence. But once you have the red tape out of the way, it’s a thriving industry with plenty of work going and a lot of opportunity for career growth if you’re interested in that.  

Call centre operator  

Did you know that most customer service consultants and call centre operators work from home now? This role has evolved to offer more flexibility for those working in the industry and the after-effects of lockdowns has meant that for many call centre operators, the job is work from home. Making it easier for single mums to fit it in with the rest of their lives.  

To work as a call centre operator, you’ll need to be an excellent communicator, able to help people to find the right solution to their problems and give the best advice regarding the products or services your company offers.  

This is the kind of job you can do without formal training, provided you have good computer skills and a natural flair for handling people. If you’re a newbie to the industry, a course in customer engagement will give you an advantage to succeed in this role.  


Copywriting is an interesting job, Many people don’t know exactly what it involves but to break it down, copywriters write for companies. They write blogs, company guides, website content, ad copy, social media copy and more.  

If you’re good with words and have a talent for making topics interesting, copywriting could be a great job for you. The wonderful thing about being a copywriter is that you can work from home. This industry is often made up of small business owners and freelancers and it lends itself very well to remote work and choosing your own hours.  

Most copywriters have some kind of marketing, communications or journalism background but that being said you don’t need a degree to work as a copywriter. You just need to be good at writing and able to adapt to a style based on that company’s tone of voice.

If you’re wanting to get into that field but you don’t have a background in marketing or experience writing, consider a short course in marketing and communication. This will give you the foundational skills you’ll need to get started.  

We hope you’ve found this list of flexible best jobs for single mums helpful!

When you’re a mum, your career should fit in with your life not the other way around. 

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