How To Become a Manager in the Security Industry

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How To Become a Manager in the Security Industry

become a manager in the security industry

The security industry offers a diverse and rewarding career path, with numerous opportunities for growth and advancement. Security professionals with leadership aspirations can set their sights on becoming a manager in the field.

A security manager plays a crucial role in overseeing security operations, leading teams, and implementing strategies to ensure safety and protection. In this blog, we will take you through a complete guide on how to become a manager in the security industry.  

First steps 

If you are brand new to the security industry, the first course you’ll need to complete is the Certificate II in Security Operations. This course is taught in an accelerated face-to-face workshop. The delivery and duration of this course changes depending on the state or territory licensing requirements. You can learn more about the course here. Or you can join one of our free security career information sessions.  

If you’re already working in the industry as a security guard and you want to level up to become a manager, first things are first.  

Gain Relevant Experience 

Before aspiring to a managerial position, it is vital to gain hands-on experience as a security officer. Working at different levels of security allows you to understand the challenges faced by security personnel, honing your skills and developing a comprehensive understanding of security protocols.

Gaining experience at all different levels of security in your organisation will make you a more well-rounded managerial candidate when you do go for the job.  

Showcase Your Professionalism and Take Initiative  

Really show up for yourself and your company when you’re at work. Keep your uniform clean and pressed, turn up early to your shifts. Projecting a professional image is critical for aspiring managers.

Maintain a positive attitude, adhere to codes of conduct, and demonstrate respect for colleagues and clients alike. Demonstrate your commitment and enthusiasm by taking on additional responsibilities, volunteering for challenging assignments, and proposing innovative security solutions. 

Be the most reliable person on your team, always take on extra shifts and go the extra mile. By showcasing your professionalism you’ll really help them to see you as a future manager.  

Pursue Education and Training 

There is a course that can help you to move up to a management position! Most security managers do this course to take their skills to the next level. The course is called the Certificate IV in Security Management. It can be completed entirely online through self-paced, trainer-support study. With this flexible delivery you can fit it in around your other work and family commitments.  

The course takes anywhere from six to twelve months to complete depending on the delivery mode you choose. In the course you’ll learn how to:

  • Manage work health and safety in the security work environment 
  • Assess and advise on client security needs 
  • Facilitate security operations briefing and debriefing processes 
  • Establish and implement ethics and governance arrangements for security businesses 
  • Coordinate business resources 
  • Coordinate recruitment and onboarding 
  • Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures 
  • Implement contracting arrangements for security businesses 
  • Lead effective workplace relationships 
  • Lead team effectiveness 
  • Develop personal work priorities 
  • Supervise security operations 

You can learn more about the course here

Exhibit Leadership Qualities 

In order to promote you or to hire you in a management position recruiters and employers will be looking for specific leadership qualities such as:

  • Communication Skills: Effective managers in security must be exceptional communicators, capable of conveying instructions, policies, and guidelines clearly and professionally. 
  • Decision-Making: Managers should display sound judgment and the ability to make timely decisions, especially in critical situations. 
  • Problem-Solving: Being adept at problem-solving enables managers to address security issues efficiently and implement preventive measures. 
  • Interpersonal Skills: As a manager, you will interact with various stakeholders, including security personnel, clients, and law enforcement. Strong interpersonal skills are essential for building positive relationships and fostering teamwork. 

Showcase these skills and you’ll be one step closer to becoming a manager.  

Seek Mentorship and Networking 

Seek guidance from experienced security managers who can provide valuable insights and advice on navigating your career path. Consider investing in a career coach or simply go to a security professional you know and trust and ask their advice on how to take that next step in your career.  

Don’t underestimate the importance of networking in the security industry. Building relationships is what it’s all about. Engage in industry events, seminars, and conferences to expand your professional network. Building connections can lead to new opportunities and potential mentorship.

At Asset College we hold regular employer connection events and networking opportunities for our graduates. You can learn about our networking program here.  

Pursue Internal Promotions or External Opportunities 

Sometimes it’s as simple as asking. If you are already working in a security organisation, express your interest in a management role to your superiors. Showcase your achievements and your dedication to the company. 

If internal promotions are not available, explore management positions in other security firms or industries that align with your career goals. You should always be keeping one eye open for opportunities out there in your industry.  

Final Thoughts  

Becoming a manager in the security industry requires a combination of experience, education, and leadership qualities. By gaining hands-on experience, pursuing relevant education and certifications, and exhibiting strong leadership skills, you can position yourself for success in this rewarding career path.

Embracing a proactive and professional approach, seeking mentorship, and networking will open doors to new opportunities.  

As you climb the ranks in the security field, remember that continuous learning and dedication are the key pillars to becoming a successful security manager.

If you’re thinking about taking the next steps to becoming a security manager you can check out the course here or get in touch with us. We can advise you on the next steps for your security career.