Truckie Takes a Chance on a New Career

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Truckie Takes a Chance on a New Career

Recent ASSET graduate Stephen Ryan knew he wanted to work in security for the longest time but he didn’t think he’d be getting a job so quickly after graduating from the course.

Stephen Ryan completed his Certificate II in Security Operations with Asset College in late August. He was surprised and excited to be offered a role with ANSIC Group as a Crowd Control Security Officer in late October, just weeks after receiving his security licence.

Prior to studying with ASSET, Stephen had a very different job.

“I had been a truck driver, driving triple road trains out to indigenous communities in the North.”

These weren’t easy treks, often times he was driving those massive three trailer trucks on dirt roads.

While working as a truck driver was a challenging job and he enjoyed it, Stephen had always felt security would be a good career path for him.

He told ASSET he had always been interested in security. While it was something in the back of his mind for a long time, he never went after it because he said he’d “never had the opportunity to pursue that kind of career.”

But thankfully, circumstances change and Stephen found himself enrolling in the Certificate II in Security Operations with Asset College and attending classes with James Hickey at North Lakes.

Stephen had some reservations to begin with because being a truck driver he hadn’t stayed up to date with technological advances and he was concerned that his lack of computer skills would cause issues in the studying process.

“I was nervous at the beginning, as I only have basic computer skills.”

Thankfully this didn’t get in his way because his trainer James was able to work with him to get through any computer issues that arose.

“James was such a great help, and very understanding and very approachable.”

While navigating the online study system had seemed like an obstacle it turned out to be one that Stephen could defeat and he completed his course and received his Certificate II in Security Operations. After gaining his licence Stephen interviewed and landed a position almost straight away with ANSIC Group as a crowd controller.

Stephen found what he really enjoys about working in security is helping people. The move into security has been good for Stephen, he told ASSET.

“I feel better about myself as I have a real sense that I am important in what I am doing in my career.”

Stephen has found meaning and happiness in his new career and he has a few words of advice for anyone consider a career move into security.

“Just do it.” He told ASSET, “This is the best career decision I have ever made.”

If you’re interested in knowing more about getting into a career in security, register for one of our free online information sessions.

In these sessions our employment team will take you through everything you need to know about the opportunities in the security industry, what the course covers, how to get your licence, what kinds of jobs you can do and the funding and payment options available for the course as well.

If you’re considering a career in security, take the plunge today!