Training Partner FAQs

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Is a training partner a franchise?

No. Training partners do not advertise themselves as Asset College and do not pay ongoing commissions to maintain their registration. Training partners will retain their own name and advertise themselves as training in partnership with Asset College.

For example: If ABC Training were to form a partnership with Asset College they would continue to trade as ABC Training and students would enrol into a course with ABC Training. The only change to the training partner’s advertising would be the addition of a statement such as “Training and Assessment is delivered in partnership with Asset College (RTO # 31718)”

In saying this, an individual or business that was interested in becoming a training partner and wanted to trade as a franchise of Asset College and use our registered trading name may make a request to become a franchise. This would be considered and could be arranged subject to the circumstances of the request.

What will I gain from a partnership with Asset College?

A partnership with us will allow you to:

  • Deliver nationally recognised training and qualifications to your employees and clients
  • Be assured of the integrity and quality of the assessments your clients and employees receive
  • Internally manage your in-house training programs rather than outsourcing the work

What are the minimum requirements to become a training partner?

  • Be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Be living in Australia
  • Have an Australian Business Number (ABN) registered with the Australian Taxation Office
  • Have at least one instructor who is suitably qualified and experienced
  • Have access to sufficient resources to deliver quality training and assessment
  • Hold appropriate insurance policies; and
  • Be willing to cooperate with the policies, procedures and agreements that are made with Asset College

Additional and more specific requirements may be stipulated in the Training Partner Agreement which will vary between each training partner as determined by the nature of the partnership.

Are there any ongoing requirements that I need to meet as a training partner?

Yes. To continue to deliver training as a training partner you must continue to comply with the conditions outlined in the Training Partner Agreement which may include, but are not limited to:

  • Not acting in any way that may result adversely on Asset College’s business, RTO registration or reputation.
  • Participating in continuing professional development of training/assessing skills and industry skills.
  • Contributing to Asset College’s continuous improvement program.
  • Attending conferences (at least annually) arranged by Asset College for all staff and training partners.
  • Delivering training/assessment in a professional and ethical manner.
  • Ensuring that business practices are fair and ethical in accordance with Asset College’s training partner guidelines.
  • Maintaining appropriate insurance policies.
  • Maintaining appropriate resources, including instructional staff; and
  • Any other requirement of the Training Partner Memorandum of Understanding or request that is deemed to be fair and reasonable.

What qualifications do I need to become a training partner?

Training partners do not need any specific qualifications however the approved instructors that conduct training/assessment on behalf of the training partner must have the following qualifications:

  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • The qualification that they are delivering or a higher qualification in the same field

Higher qualifications are preferred and may be completed over time as part of the instructor’s professional development plan.

Do training partners receive discounts on training provided by Asset College?

Yes. Courses at AQF Level 3 (i.e. Certificate 3) or lower are made available to Training Partners at the cost of materials only, in some cases this can be almost no cost. Courses at higher levels are made available to Training Partners at 50% of our standard course fee. This applies only to courses that are delivered / assessed by Asset College and does not extend to courses conducted by other training partners.

All Training Partners are encouraged to participate in the training for personal and professional development. Courses that are outside the training partner’s normal field are also available at these rates.

What resources do I need to work as a training partner?

The resources requirements will vary depending on what courses are being delivered. The training partner must have access to all necessary resources to conduct the courses that they have been approved to deliver. This may include training rooms, tables / chairs, laptops, data projectors, white boards, course specific training aids such as CPR manikins, abseiling equipment, etc. Training resources such as student manuals, assessments, assessor guides, etc are provided by Asset College, some of these are included as part of the standard fee structure.

Asset College has some equipment that may be available for loan/hire at the training partners expense however this is not intended to be a reliable source for resources as this equipment is also used by Asset College and other training partners.

Asset College has several reliable suppliers and may be able to assist training partners with procuring good quality training resources at reasonable prices.

What insurance do I need to work as a training partner?

The Training Partner is advised to seek professional advice regarding liability and insurances needed to operate under this Agreement.

Training partners are required to hold current Public Liability insurance to the value of $20 million, Professional Indemnity Insurance to the value of $1 million and Workers Compensation insurance in accordance with relevant sate/territory legislation.

The policies must be held in the name of the Training Partner’s business or in the case of a Training Partner being an independent contractor the insurance must be held in the name of the individual. Certificates of Currency must be provided to Asset College as this is a regulatory requirement.

Asset college can recommend suitable insurers when requested however it is the responsibility of the training partner to obtain the appropriate coverage.

What courses can I deliver as a training partner?

Training partners can only deliver courses that they are approved to deliver. This will be determined by the suitability of approved instructors and the availability of resources to the training partner.

A full list of the courses that Asset College is approved to deliver is listed on our website. This list is continually growing, and training partners are encouraged to suggest additional fields where they may wish to deliver training. If there is a market demand and suitable instructors available, Asset College may consider extending its scope of registration into any field of study.

Can I form a partnership with another RTO to deliver courses that Asset College does not offer?

Yes. We may consider it a conflict of interest if you were to form a partnership with an RTO that had the same/similar scope of registration to ours however if the intention is to deliver courses that we cannot offer then we will support the arrangement.

There is another training partner in my area; can I also apply to become a training partner?

Multiple training partners may be approved in the same region if they are conducting different courses or in circumstances where one training partner cannot support the market demand. This will be determined on a case-by- case by Asset College.

In most situations, Asset College will not approve a second or subsequent training partner in a nearby area. It is in our best interests for the training partners to be successful and not subjected to additional competition with other training partners.

Unless it is specifically stated in the Training Partner Agreement that a training partner has exclusivity of a region or qualification then, by default, Asset College reserves the right to make judgement in this regard.

What support is available to training partners from Asset College?

Asset College will provide coaching / mentoring / general advice to training partners to assist them to develop a successful training business. Trainer/Assessor resources and general course information as well as RTO policies and procedures will be provided by Asset College.

Asset College will provide some opportunities for instructors and training partners to participate in professional development activities as well as reduced cost training. We will also notify training partners of additional opportunities that they may apply to participate such as industry related seminars and conferences.

In the event of student complaints or disputes, Asset College will provide moderation and / or arbitration between the student and the training partner.

Asset College may provide other support services at a cost to the training partner such as administration and other relevant tasks. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

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